Nani along with SJ Suryah unveil the trailer of his next, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram in Telugu recently. While audiences got a glimpse of the massy avatar the Hi Nanna actor will be essaying in the film, along with SJ Suryah as the ruthless police officer and leading lady Priyanka Arul Mohan too playing a cop, the excited viewers got a deeper insight into the world of Surya aka Nani in the recently released trailer.
Saripodhaa Sanivaaram: Nani turns Robin Hood of the oppressed as he crusades against injustice and abuseWith Priyanka Arul Mohan as a police officer and Nani as the ‘Robin Hood’ for the oppressed, the trailer reveals glimpses of the brutality of a police officer who believes uniform gives him the power to control the oppressed and the poor. Emerging as the Robin Hood of justice, Surya will go to any extent to guard the voiceless and eliminate injustice. As a war ensues between power and justice, men and women become pawns and the powerless must fight till the end until everyone who have abused, tortured, and mistreated them to win this battle.
Speaking about the trailer launch, it was truly a star-studded event, and it seems that several fans of Nani were cheering for him. The actor took to social media to share a video from the promotional event for the film where he is seen addressing a crowd and sharing his excitement ahead of the film’s release. While the trailer has been unveiled in Telugu, we hear that trailer for the movie will also be unveiled in other languages. For the unversed, the film is retitled as Surya Saturday for the Hindi speaking audience and the trailer too unveiled in the said language on a later date.
SEE YOU ♥️????#SaripodhaSanivaaram TRAILER— Nani (@NameisNani) August 13, 2024
Talking about the film, it promises to be a treat for action lovers with Ram Laxman and Real Satish orchestrating these high-octane stunts. With music composed by Jakes Bejoy and GM Shekhar as the art director, the cinematography is handled by Murali G, and the film editing is done by Karthika Srinivas R. Produced under the banner DVV Entertainment, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is slated for release on August 29.
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