Telugu actor Nani has weighed in on Kannada actor Rishab Shetty's recent comments about Bollywood, offering a differing perspective on the matter. Shetty had sparked a debate by claiming that Bollywood films often portray India in a negative light at international film festivals.
Nani REACTS to Rishab Shetty’s criticism of Bollywood: “There are some great magical films in Hindi”Nani disagreed with Shetty's assertion, stating, "I don't think Bollywood shows India in a negative light." He clarified that Shetty's comments likely referred to the focus on technique and style over emotional storytelling in some Bollywood films. Nani acknowledged that this trend exists in a few films but stated that there are also many exceptional and impactful Hindi films.
In Nani’s words: “I think what Rishab means is much more rooted stories. Somewhere, I think there's a lot of importance is given to the technique and style of filmmaking rather than the core of the emotional story; this happens only in a few films. But there are some great magical films in Hindi.”
Rishab Shetty, a prominent figure in Kannada cinema, recently won the Best Actor award at the 70th National Film Awards for his performance in Kantara. During a promotional interview with MetroSaga, Shetty expressed his belief that Indian films, particularly Bollywood, often present a negative image of India at international events. He stated his desire to showcase his nation, state, and language in a positive light.
Meanwhile, Nani is currently promoting his latest film, Surya's Saturday, which released on August 29. Directed by Vivek Athreya, the film is an action thriller and is Nani's most expensive project to date. It also features S.J. Suryah, Priyanka Mohan, Abhirami, Aditi Balan, P. Sai Kumar, and Subhalekha Sudhakar.
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