Malayalam actor Mohanlal made his first public appearance on August 31, just days after resigning as the President of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA). Addressing the ongoing controversy surrounding the Hema Committee Report, which highlighted cases of sexual assault against women in the Malayalam film industry, Mohanlal urged the public and media not to focus solely on AMMA.
Mohanlal BREAKS SILENCE on Hema Report and AMMA exit: “Entire Malayalam film industry is answerable. The report has highlighted…”According to a report by ANI, speaking to the press, Mohanlal said, "We request you not to put all the focus on AMMA. Investigation is going on. Please don't destroy the industry."
Resignation from AMMA: A Moral Stand
Mohanlal's resignation as the President of AMMA on August 27 was a significant move, taken after sexual abuse allegations were made against some members of the association's governing body. Addressing the media, the veteran actor explained, "We welcome the Hema Committee report. It was the right decision by the government to release that report. AMMA cannot answer all the questions. These questions should be asked from everyone."
He stressed that the entire industry should not be condemned for the actions of a few, stating, "This is a very hardworking industry. Many people are involved in it. But everyone cannot be blamed for this. Those responsible will be punished, investigation is going on."
Mohanlal’s Stance on the Ongoing Investigation
Mohanlal assured that all issues raised in the Hema Committee Report are being taken seriously and are under investigation. "We will cooperate in the investigation process. We are here only to set things right," he said, adding that he is not part of any power group within the industry and has not personally read the Hema Committee Report.
The actor also highlighted the importance of not letting the scandal overshadow the hard work and dedication of those in the industry who are not involved in wrongdoing. "I am not aware of any such power group. I am not a part of it. I have not read the Hema Committee report," he clarified.
The Hema Committee Report and Its Impact
The Hema Committee Report has led to widespread outrage. Several celebrities have come forward with their own experiences of harassment and exploitation, further intensifying the debate.
In a statement to Mathrubhumi, Mohanlal acknowledged the severity of the issues highlighted in the report. "If you ask why we have all quit our posts (at AMMA) now, the answer is that the entire Malayalam film industry is answerable. The report has highlighted not just one issue but several," he said.
Future of AMMA and Malayalam Industry Leadership
In the wake of these events, not just Mohanlal but the entire governing body of AMMA has resigned. The association issued a statement expressing hope for new leadership that can renew and strengthen the organization. "We are hopeful that AMMA will have a new leadership capable of renewing and strengthening the association. Thanks to everyone for criticizing and correcting," the statement read.
Also Read: Parvathy Thiruvothu calls AMMA members including Mohanlal ‘coward’ for submitting their resignations
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