Kamal Haasan, who remains one of the most beloved hosts of Bigg Boss, has hosted the Tamil version of the reality show for seven years. However, the actor recently took to social media to break the bad news to his fans about being unable to continue his stint due to other work commitments. The actor penned an emotional note further stressing on the bond he shared with the show and also expressed gratitude towards his fans and the ardent viewers of the show for showering him with love.
Kamal Haasan bows down as the host for the new edition of Bigg Boss Tamil; says, “I will be taking a small break”Taking to the social media platform X, aka Twitter, Kamal Haasan shared a printed note with his signature and captioned it saying, “I am yours forever” and tagged the channel Vijay Television, on which the show is aired. In his note, he said, “With a heavy heart, I wish to inform you that I will be taking a small break from our journey that began 7 years ago. Due to prior cinematic commitments, I'm unable to host the upcoming season of Bigg Boss Tamil.”
“I have been privileged to reach you in your homes. You have showered me with your love and affection, for which you have my everlasting gratitude. Your spirited and passionate support of the contestants is at the core of what makes Bigg Boss Tamil one of the best television reality shows in India. Personally, being your host has been an enriching association, where I have honestly shared my learnings. I will always be grateful for this learning experience. I sincerely thank each one of you and the contestants in the show for our time together”.
He concluded by wishing luck to the channel for the new season and shared, “Lastly, I would like to thank the wonderful team at Vijay TV, as well as every crew member who has been involved in making this enterprise a grand success. I am sure this season will be yet another success.”
என்றும் உங்கள் நான்.@vijaytelevision pic.twitter.com/q6v0ynDaLr
— Kamal Haasan (@ikamalhaasan) August 6, 2024
Many fans reacted to this news and expressed their disappointment on the post. Meanwhile, on the film front, Kamal Haasan received rave reviews for his role as Supreme Yaskin in Kalki 2898 AD whereas his highly-anticipated Indian 2 opened up to a low response at the box office. However, during the promotional event of the latter, the actor asserted that they would be returning with a third installment of Indian.
Also Read: Kamal Haasan shares a heartfelt message as he commemorates Kargil Vijay Diwas on July 26
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