On what would have been Tishaa Kumar’s 21st birthday, her mother, Tanya Singh, shared a deeply emotional tribute on social media, remembering her beloved daughter who tragically passed away in July 2024. Tishaa, the daughter of Krishan Kumar and cousin of Bhushan Kumar, was a vibrant and loved soul whose untimely death left her family heartbroken. Tanya’s heartfelt note and a montage of cherished memories have touched many hearts.
Tishaa Kumar’s mother Tanya Singh pens heartbreaking tribute on late daughter’s 21st BirthdayA Mother’s Heartbreak: Remembering Tishaa
In her moving Instagram post, Tanya shared a video that captured the essence of her daughter’s joyful spirit. The video showcased Tishaa from her childhood to adulthood, including moments of her dancing, working out, and participating in photo shoots. Accompanied by the poignant song ‘Tu Jo Mila’, the tribute conveyed a deep sense of loss and love that no words could truly express.
Tanya began the post by addressing her daughter directly: "My dearest darling Tish …Happy 21st…" She reflected on the day Tishaa was born, recalling the immense joy and love that her daughter brought into her life. Tanya thanked her daughter for giving her the "honour" of being her mother, describing Tishaa as "the Sun to my Cosmos."
"Life is lifeless…"
Tanya’s raw emotions poured through her words as she expressed the devastating emptiness she now feels. "Life is lifeless for me here with you there…meaningless & purposeless & so unfair," she wrote, capturing the depth of her grief. She reminisced about the close bond they shared, describing their relationship as a special team on a mission, one that was sadly cut short. But even in her grief, Tanya remained hopeful, writing that she believes Tishaa will "return to live & fulfil all your dreams."
No prolonged battle, just love
In her tribute, Tanya made it clear that there was no "prolonged battle" leading to her daughter’s passing, a statement that may hint at speculations about the circumstances surrounding Tishaa’s death. Her focus was entirely on the love they shared, stating: "Muma is all yours Tish, always will be to Eternity & Beyond." Tanya emphasized the unbreakable bond between mother and daughter, one that transcends life and death.
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A mother's eternal love
Tanya’s post concluded with a declaration of her everlasting love for her daughter. "I love you my bachcha, my jaan, my everything," she wrote, recalling the trillions of beautiful moments they shared. She compared Tishaa to "100 kids in one" for the immense love and energy she brought into her life. Tanya’s parting words, "Until we reunite, Muma loves you forever and more," left no doubt about the eternal connection between them.
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