A number of expensive big-budget films, including Raksha Bandhan with Akshay Kumar and Laal Singh Chaddha with Aamir Khan, flopped at theatres, giving the industry an unanticipated blow. As these films were close to their release dates, a section of netizens called for a boycott. Every celebrity has voiced a different take on the boycott trend, and so is ace actor Pankaj Tripathi.
‘Self-assessment is needed’: Pankaj Tripathi reacts to the boycott trend & its impact on Bollywood filmsIn a conversation with Indian television and radio host Siddharth Kannan, the Sacred Games actor shared his opinion on the boycott trend while highlighting the reasons behind movies failing in the post-pandemic period.
Pankaj said, “Self-assessment is needed about what we are making and how we are making it—that’s necessary and that’s what is lacking.” Speaking about the boycott trend, the actor said, “If a film is bad, it doesn’t work, and doesn’t get boycotted. People don’t go to the cinema halls. That’s also a boycott then, isn’t it? There is no social media campaign then, and no hashtag but the film still doesn’t work. But yes self-assessment is needed.”
As their conversation progressed further, Tripathi was also asked about his film 83 which did not perform well at the box office. In his response to it, the talented actor asserted, “Nahin nahin, afsos nahin hota, maine paise thodi lagaya hai film mein (No, no, I’m not upset, I haven’t invested anything in the film.” He added that he has just invested talent. “I did what I had to do, with full sincerity and what happens after that, is not in my hands.
On the professional front, Tripathi is currently bagging praise for the third instalment of a popular Disney+ Hotstar series, titled Criminal Justice. In this season, Madhav Mishra struggles to put aside his own doubts and inhibitions about his client as the stakes get higher and riskier.
More Pages: 83 Box Office Collection , 83 Movie Review
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