Actor and producer Ravi Dubey recently took to social media to express his deep admiration for his wife, Sargun Mehta, revealing a lesser-known fact about her significant contributions to their production house, Dreamiyata Entertainment. In a heartfelt note, Ravi shared his pride in Sargun’s work, highlighting that she has been the creative force behind all the shows produced by Dreamiyata over the past four years.
Ravi Dubey praises wife Sargun Mehta’s writing genius behind Dreamiyata Entertainment’s Success: “All the shows dreamiyata has produced have been written by Sargun”Ravi’s message began with a reflection on how he was tagged in a post, which made him realize how few people are aware of Sargun’s pivotal role in their projects. He went on to disclose that Sargun has been the writer for all of Dreamiyata's productions, he wrote “Some one just tagged me in this ..and i realised despite us producing content for the past 4 years very few know that all the shows dreamiyata has produced have been written by sargun this includes #udaariyaan a show that ran for over a thousand episodes breaking all records for the slot it was on thus becoming a legacy show for our company and the channel …only a fraction of sargun’s genius has been revealed to the world …brace yourselves for a whole lot more …”
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With the release of their maiden production, Ve Haaniyaan, Ravi Dubey and Sargun Mehta’s Dreamiyata Musiic has struck gold in the music industry. This power couple has not only delivered one of the most beloved and celebrated songs of 2024 but also shattered records along the way. Ve Haaniyaan has swiftly crossed 100 million + views on YouTube and even surpassed Miley Cyrus’ Flowers as the most-used track on Instagram Reels.
Also Read : Ravi Dubey and Sargun Mehta unveil female version of song Ve Haaniyaan
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