Ananya Panday, who is making her long-format debut with the show Call Me Bae, recently hosted a lavish premiere of the show before releasing on Amazon Prime Video. The premiere, needless to say, was a starry red-carpet affair where many actors from the younger generation made their presence felt. Among them was the new-age lover boy Kartik Aaryan who also came to cheer for his friend Ananya. During the same, as he met and greeted his colleagues, wherein he also warmly welcomed Sara Ali Khan, who is rumored to be his ex-girlfriend.
Kartik Aaryan and Sara Ali Khan hug it out at Call Me Bae screening but fans are more concerned about the reaction of Ananya PandayAlthough neither Sara Ali Khan nor Kartik Aaryan directly confirmed anything about their relationship which is expected to have blossomed on the sets of Love Aaj Kal 2 but withered by the end of the film’s shoot, the two have often dropped hints and have never denied it either. While the duo never collaborated again after the Imtiaz Ali directorial, the two have earlier mentioned that they are ‘okay’ with working with each other. Taking a step further now, the two not only warmly greeted each other when they met at the screening but the actor also hugged Sara, leaving onlookers surprised with their cordial nature.
While fans rooting for Sara and Kartik were merely thrilled at this reunion and the video went viral on social media platforms, soon it gained momentum for a completely different reason. It was Ananya Panday who awkwardly stood between the alleged former couple during the Call Me Bae screening who seems to have grabbed attention of netizens who seemingly dissected the meaning behind her changing expressions in this viral video. “Why Ananya is making weird faces?”, “Ananya ronay wali ha aisa kiu lgra ha (why does it feel like she is about to cry)”, “Ananya is uncomfortable”, “OMG ????@ananyapanday giving negative vibes … negativity ke dukan” were some of the comments shared by netizens.
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Interestingly, in the past, Kartik Aaryan, whose name is linked with almost of all of his co-stars, also was rumored to have dated Ananya Panday during the brief period of shooting with her for Pati, Patni, Aur Woh.
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