Bollywood divas Kareena Kapoor Khan, Kiara Advani, and Suhana Khan came together for Tira's latest campaign, “The House Party.” Known for celebrating diverse beauty standards with its tagline "For every you," the brand has brought together three of its ambassadors for a larger-than-life campaign.
Kareena Kapoor Khan, Kiara Advani and Suhana Khan admit to being overdressed at parties, asking people to delete photos: “Everyone has done that”While the trio undoubtedly exudes glamour and sophistication on the silver screen, they've revealed a surprisingly relatable side to their lives. In a candid conversation, the actresses admitted to experiencing those moments when they've felt overdressed at parties, even going as far as requesting people to delete incriminating photos.
In a fun Never Have I Ever, the actresses revealed their beauty regime. Their candid admission about overdressing is a refreshing reminder that even the biggest stars have their off-duty moments. Talking about cutting their own bangs to sleeping with their make-up on, the fun video shows a different side to the actors.
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The House Party strives to reiterate and elevate this message by showcasing beauty in all its myriad forms. The campaign features an extravagant house party, where guests express their unique style and personality, reinforcing the belief that beauty is truly for everyone.
This ad has been produced by Indian filmmaker Shakun Batra and directed by Nicolas Davenel and Vanessa Dumont, a director duo from Paris.
ALSO READ: Kareena Kapoor Khan, Kiara Advani and Suhana Khan dance their hearts out in new campaign produced by Shakun Batra
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