As fans celebrate the 11th anniversary of the blockbuster Chennai Express, Deepika Padukone treated her fans to a nostalgic journey back to the film’s unforgettable moments. The actress, known for her versatile performances, shared a behind-the-scenes video on Instagram, bringing back fond memories of her iconic character, Meenamma. The video not only delighted fans but also highlighted a playful prophecy made by her co-star, Shah Rukh Khan, which has now turned into reality.
11 Years of Chennai Express: Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone share fun moments in behind-the-scenes video: “She’s Singham 5”The video kicks off with a light-hearted moment between Deepika and Shah Rukh, where the latter jokingly refers to her as Singham 5. Little did anyone know that this playful comment would come true over a decade later. As Rohit Shetty gears up for his next big project, Singham Again, Deepika is all set to portray Shakti Shetty, marking her debut in the cop universe created by Shetty.
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In her Instagram post, Deepika included a clip where she and Shah Rukh Khan recreated the famous "Singham pose," a nod to Rohit Shetty’s action-packed film series. The camaraderie between the two stars, who have shared the screen in numerous films, was evident as they joked and laughed together, much to the delight of their fans.
One of the highlights of the video is the return of Deepika's famous line from Chennai Express: “Kahan se khareedi aisi bakwaas dictionary?” This dialogue, delivered in Meenamma’s distinctive South Indian accent, became one of the most memorable lines from the film. In her caption, Deepika playfully asked her followers to guess how many times she had to repeat the line during filming, promising a "Bakwaas Dictionary" as a reward for the correct answer.
On the work front, Deepika Padukone will reunite with Rohit Shetty in Sugham Again as lady Singham aka Shakti Shetty.
ALSO READ: Deepika Padukone virtually meets fans; expresses gratitude for their love
More Pages: Chennai Express Box Office Collection , Chennai Express Movie Review
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