Karan Johar and Kajol appear to have moved on from their dispute, which happened in 2016. Karan Johar went to Instagram on Monday to celebrate Kajol's 50th birthday, sharing a poignant message and a number of photographs that speak much about their friendship. The images included scenes from Bijoya Dashami's Durga Puja, one with Shah Rukh Khan's wife Gauri Khan, one from Karan's birthday celebration, and another with fashion designer Manish Malhotra. Karan also praised Kajol, calling her hug "the warmest on planet earth."
Karan Johar extends warm birthday wishes to Kajol, pens a heartfelt noteHe wrote, “The warmest hug on planet earth… to the extent that you may need an MRI post it!!!! The love… the immense love that very few can express,share or give to their loved ones …. That 1000 watt smile and that infectious laugh…:.how can you describe the energy of Kajol without feeling 5000 shades of love …. From the first time she met me ( laughed loudly at what I was wearing ) and till today … I meet her and feel rejuvenated and so loved… the one person that hasn’t changed one bit and never will! Love you Kads … to every planet and back! May this decade be beyond golden !”
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In 2016, the clash between actress Kajol and filmmaker Karan Johar hit the headlines. The conflict arose when Karan Johar's Ae Dil Hai Mushkil and Ajay Devgn's Shivaay competed at the Diwali box office. The feud heated up after Ajay Devgn revealed details of a phone call in which self proclaimed film critic Kamal R. Khan claimed Karan had paid him Rs 25 lakh for a positive review of Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. Khan then claimed Karan never paid him and was simply trying to finish up a meeting with Kumar Mangat, Shivaay's co-producer. Kajol, who appeared to defend her husband, tweeted that she was astonished, which did not sit well with Karan Johar. As a result, Karan dedicated an entire chapter to their troubled relationship in his autobiography, An Unsuitable Boy.
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