Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez took her birthday celebrations to a whole new level this year, as she went on a trip to Saudi Arabia with her parents. Jacqueline, known for her love of travel, jetted off to this middle eastern country, a mere 4-hour flight away from India, which is a convenient yet exotic choice for a special occasion. While she did share some stunning glimpses of her lavish trip on Instagram, she has decided to open up about her birthday herself.
Jacqueline Fernandez reveals how she celebrated her birthday with her parents in Saudi Arabia; says, “It was a much-needed break”Speaking about her birthday celebrations, Jacqueline revealed the reason behind choosing this destination and said, “This year, my birthday was extra special! I got to spend it with my parents, exploring two of Saudi’s stunning destinations. For the pre-birthday celebrations, we headed to Nujuma, a Ritz Carlton Reserve at The Red Sea. The experience was absolutely breathtaking—I started my days with yoga and snorkeling, then wrapped them up with dinner by the sea and looking at the stars through the telescope in my gorgeous villa.”
She added, “After a short flight to Riyadh, we ended the trip by relaxing at Mansard Riyadh, a Radisson Collection Hotel followed by a private dinner at Flamingo Room in Riyadh’s Bujjairi Terrace in Diriyah, a buzzing neighborhood where we spent our time soaking in the country's rich heritage. It’s always amazing to be back in Saudi and this time, it was a much-needed break and a chance to explore an unseen place with my parents. I cannot wait to visit again!”
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We hear that Jacqueline’s visit is not just a personal celebration, but it is to also to highlight Saudi Arabia as a must-visit locale in the Middle East. On the work front, Jacqueline is currently gearing up for the release of Fateh starring Sonu Sood, which also marks his debut as a director. It is being said that the film will release in January next year.
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