Tusshar Kapoor and Priyanka Chahar Choudhary recently sat down with Bollywood Hungama to discuss their upcoming series Dus June Kii Raat and delve into themes of bad luck and superstition. Priyanka shared insights on the differences between filming a web series and a TV series, while Tusshar talked about the enduring popularity of Golmaal. He also humorously remarked that Priyanka could easily find a groom through her Instagram, given her extensive fan following.
EXCLUSIVE: Tusshar Kapoor and Priyanka Chahar Choudhary discuss their show Dus June Kii Raat; Golmaal actor says, “I have done one show earlier, but”Insight from debutants
Upon being asked about their respective OTT debuts through Dus June Ki Raat, Tusshar Kapoor emphasized, "I have done one show earlier, but this is very mainstream and a very long-format show, so basically, Dus June Kii Raat is my OTT debut.” Priyanka Chahar Choudhary shared her thoughts on the differences in shooting for OTT shows, saying, "As an actor, I would say that every actor wakes up in the morning, does their hair and makeup, and then the action starts. I don't think there is any significant difference, but yes, I am very excited as this is my OTT debut.”
As Tusshar Kapoor and Priyanka Chahar Choudhary gear up for their roles in Dus June Kii Raat, the anticipation continues to build. With Tusshar making his mark in the OTT space and Priyanka stepping into this new realm with excitement, the series is poised to offer viewers a compelling blend of storytelling.
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