Dharmendra, who has been away from the screen for a while, will next be seen in OTT platform in a small but significant role in the upcoming show Taj – Divided by Blood. Showcasing an ensemble cast, the show is set against the backdrop of the Mughal Era and traces us back to the time during Akbar’s reign when the King was on a hunt to find a worthy successor. The show is expected to trace the journey of Mughal politics with the veteran star playing a crucial role in the process as Sheikh Salim Chisti.
Dharmendra shares FIRST LOOK as a Sufi saint from the epic saga Taj – Divided By BloodIn the recent look posted by Dharmendra, he seems to look unrecognizable in his long-white beard as well as a white turban as the Sufi saint. His outfit primarily consisted of robes that represented the era of Mughals. Posting it on his Twitter handle, the veteran star wrote, “Friends, i am playing Shaikh Slim Chishti ….a sufi saint, in film Taaj. A small but an important role………need your good wishes”. Many of his fans took to the platform, after the actor posted about it, and they even posted their heartfelt wishes for the star in the comment section.
Friends, i am playing Shaikh Slim Chishti ….a sufi saint, in film Taaj. A small but an important role………need your good wishes ???? pic.twitter.com/IQpAoaS67y
— Dharmendra Deol (@aapkadharam) February 15, 2023
Taj – Divided by Blood stars a worthy ensemble cast comprising of Naseeruddin Shah as King Akbar, Aditi Rao Hydari as Anarkali, Aashim Gulati as Prince Salim, Taha Shah as Prince Murad, Shubham Kumar Mehra as Prince Daniyal, Sandhya Mridul as Queen Jodha Bai, Zareena Wahab as Queen Salima, Sauraseni Maitra as Mehr un Nisa, Rahul Bose as Mirza Hakim and Dharmendra as Sheikh Salim Chisti. The series also stars Subodh Bhave, Aayam Mehta, Deepraj Rana, Shivani Tanksale, Padma Damodharan, Pankaj Saraswat, Digambar Prasad and Zachary Coffin in supporting roles.
Produced by Contiloe Digital along with William Borthwick as the showrunner, Simon Fantauzzo as the writer and Ronald Scalpello as the director, Taj – Divided by Blood is a revelatory telling of the inner workings and the succession drama that played out in the hallowed chambers of the Mughal empire. It is slated to release on ZEE5.
Also Read: Naseeruddin Shah, Dharmendra, Aditi Rao Hydari to star in ZEE5 series Taj – Divided by Blood
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