Kareena Kapoor Khan, producer Ektaa R Kapoor and director Hansal Mehta launched the trailer of their film The Buckingham Murders at a multiplex in Mumbai on September 3. All three were in top form as they spoke about the film and also gave headline worthy quotes. Ektaa made it clear at the very onset that The Buckingham Murders is not a niche film – it’s a credible and yet its commercially safe.
The Buckingham Murders trailer launch: Ektaa R Kapoor calls Kareena Kapoor “Miss LEGIT superstar”; reveals that the film has recovered its entire cost: “It’s a commercial success from day 1, which a lot of commercial potboilers are NOT”In reply to a statement by the anchor, Ektaa R Kapoor said, “Just because it’s a credible entertainer, how come it’s not commercial? The film’s full cost is covered including P&A. The money earned through theatrical business in India and worldwide will be profit. That’s how it’s a commercial success from day 1, which a lot of commercial potboilers are not!”
She also spoke highly of her leading actor, “And this is all because of one actor because of whom the pre-sales are brilliant – miss legit superstar, Kareena Kapoor!”
Ektaa continued, “From day 1, we have a super-hit in our hands. This is what a film should be – it should be financially viable, credible and when it releases in theatres, it’s a win-win for everyone. Honestly, this is far more commercial than a lot of my commercial films!”
At another point, the veteran producer said, “Every film of mine with Kareena has had a box-office prediction of Rs. 4 or 5 crores. And she opens at Rs. 10 crores every time!” A shocked as well as humbled Kareena asked the producer, “Itna pressure aap kyun daal rahe ho? Yeh toh alag film hai!”
The Buckingham Murders, which also marks Kareena Kapoor Khan’s first film as a producer, releases in cinemas on September 13. Bollywood Hungama was the first one to break the news that it’ll have release in original Hinglish as well as Hindi dubbed versions.
More Pages: The Buckingham Murders Box Office Collection , The Buckingham Murders Movie Review
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