Akshay Kumar is excited for the release of his new film, Khel Khel Mein. The film revolves around a group of friends who play a game where they look at each other's phones, only to have their dark secrets and lies revealed. In a recent interview, Akshay was questioned if he would be uncomfortable with his wife, Twinkle Khanna, snooping through his phone. The actor quickly denied, adding that he has nothing to hide.
Akshay Kumar says he’s open to share phone with wife Twinkle: “I’ve got nothing to hide”In an interview with News18, Akshay also revealed that his phone is frequently with his employees or laying at home. He said, “I wouldn’t be scared if I had to show my phone to my partner. My phone lies around with my staff members. At home, it’s always lying around, charging. I’ve got nothing to hide.”
During the same conversation, the actor declined to provide any marriage counsel, arguing that everyone should have their own unique experiences. He said, “I don’t want to give any tips to anyone. Everyone should learn through their own experiences in life. But marriage is a beautiful circle of life. Everyone needs to go through it and gain an understanding of it rather than looking up to me or anyone else for advice.”
In an earlier interview with Galatta India, Akshay stated that despite the fact that he and Twinkle are quite different personalities, they have been able to maintain their marriage because of their mutual respect for each other. He said, “Me and my wife are very different. We are poles apart. She thinks left, I think right. The only thing which is common in us is that we both like to sleep early and wake up early. Another thing which we like is playing Rummy or Ludo. Nothing else is common in us. But its not just about that. Respect is the most important thing. It is important to give each other space. There are 36 traits in people, not necessarily they all have to be common in a couple. But if you have that one trait of respecting each other, I think its equivalent to having all the traits you need in a relationship.”
Akshay and Twinkle have been married for 23 years. The couple fell in love while filming International Khiladi and Zulmi in 1999. They married on January 17, 2001, and had their son Aarav in 2002, then their daughter Nitara in 2012.
Also Read : Khel Khel Mein vs Vedaa: Akshay Kumar on clashing with John Abraham at the box office: “It’s not a big deal”
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