Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty Kundra has been busy with their work commitments. In recent times it has been announced that she has become an investor in WickedGud, a direct-to-consumer (D2C) start-up. Shetty Kundra has invested Rs. 2.25 crore in the Mumbai-based company, 100Percent Nourishment Pvt Ltd. They market healthy indulgent food products. With this move, Shetty-Kundra and WickedGud's Bhuman Dani, Monish Debnath, and Soumalya Biswas are going to be on a mission to "unjunk" India.
Shilpa Shetty invests Rs. 2.25 crore in Shark Tank fame start-up WickedGud"We are thrilled to welcome Shilpa Shetty to the WickedGud family," said Bhuman Dani, Founder and CEO of WickedGud. "Her love for food and fitness aligns with our brand values and mission. We believe that her influence will help us reach a wider audience, promoting conscious consumption."
Shilpa Shetty expressed equal enthusiasm, saying, "We’re a family of food lovers and are always looking for opportunities in the better-for-you indulgent food space. I tried the WickedGud Spaghetti and was not only impressed by the taste and health benefits but also the fact that my kids loved it too. Grown-ups liking it is one thing but when my kids lapped it up, I was sold on the idea. This inspired me to not only endorse the brand but also invest in it. I am excited to support WickedGud in their mission to unjunk India, one kitchen at a time."
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