Titli Movie




Shashank Arora: Titli
Titli is the youngest of the three brothers who hopes to run away from the oppression of his eldest brother Vikram and to escape the daily problems that come from sharing burdens in a family. His dream is cut short when his money is...

Shivani Raghuvanshi: Neelu
Neelu is a lower middle class girl with aspirations much higher than the class she hails from. To her consternation, she's married off to Titli, whose family belongs to the same class as hers. Her condence and demeanor is a threat to the patriarchal roots that define this family of four men. She's a survivor who won't let any obstacle weigh her down.

Ranvir Shorey: Vikram
Vikram, the oldest son and current patriarch is a reckless, emotional fool who's very rigid in his thoughts and processes and believes he knows best for everyone in his family and thus is the sole decision maker. The years of oppression have taken a toll on him and he hardly ever smiles. His hard line policies wreak havoc over everyone in the family.

Amit Sial:Baawla/Pradeep
Baawla, the middle brother is the woman of the house. He's the mediator who keeps the family together. By deliberately putting himself below Vikram, he knows how to steer Vikram into doing what he himself thinks is right for the family. He is the only son who can see through Daddy's subtle power manipulations.

Lalit Behl: Daddy
Once the patriarch, now past his prime, Daddy seemingly remains relegated to the mercy of his older son, Vikram, the current patriarch of the family. However Daddy still has unspoken influence over Vikram and is subtly manipulative. The sons, except Baawla, remain oblivious to the invisible strings that he often pulls.


In the badlands of Delhi's dystopic underbelly, Titli, the youngest member of a violent car-jacking brotherhood plots a desperate bid to escape the 'family' business.
His struggle to do so is countered at each stage by his indignant brothers, who finally try marrying him off to 'settle' him.

Titli, finds an unlikely ally in his new wife, caught though she is in her own web of warped reality and dysfunctional dreams. They form a strange, beneficial partnership, only to confront their inability to escape the bindings of their family roots. But is escape, the same as freedom?

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