Last week, the Malayalam film industry woke up to some shocking allegations made against the prominent members including actors who faced accusations of sexual assault and harassment. The Hema Committee report, which was submitted, opened a new can of worms reigniting the Me Too movement and it has sparked conversations even among other film industries including Telugu film industry. After renowned actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu questioned the Telangana government submitting the report on the same, now the government has apparently claimed that the reports were termed as ‘vague’.
Telugu film industry sexual harassment report takes centre stage after Samantha Ruth Prabhu calls out to submit the reportIn the statement of Samantha Ruth Prabhu, the actress said, "We, the women of the Telugu film industry, welcome the Hema Committee report and applaud the persistent efforts of the WCC in Kerala, which has laid the path to this moment," Samantha said in a story on Instagram.” She added, "We hereby urge the Telangana government, to publish the submitted sub committee report on sexual harassment, which can help frame government and industry policies, to establish a safe working environment for women in the TFI (Telugu Film Industry)”.
Meanwhile, Talasani Srinivas Yadav, former minister of cinematography, opened up about the report on the Telugu film industry to Indian Express and said, “The sub-committee did a lot of work and interviewed many people but the report did not provide anything specific that required action,”
One of the members of the sub-committee, a prominent women’s rights activist, and project director of Bhumika Women’s Collective, Kondaveeti Satyavati was quoted saying how the subject was never mentioned in the report and added, “Sexual quid pro quo is rampant in Telugu film industry. We spoke to people in the 24 crafts identified in the film industry — from junior artists to support staff — and our findings are there in the report. We cannot disclose the details. That is the job of the government,” she said, adding, “The present government should release the report.” “There is no accountability. There is no one to take complaints, especially about sexual harassment. Sexual favours are sought to give work. Junior female artistes are the most exploited,” she shared.
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