Telugu actors Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala are all set to solidify their relationship with an engagement ceremony on August 8, 2024. According to reports by HT city the ceremony, a private and intimate affair, will take place at the residence of Naga Chaitanya’s father, Nagarjuna. Close family members, including Naga Chaitanya’s mother Amala Akkineni, brother Akhil, and Sobhita’s parents, are expected to attend.
Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala to get engaged in intimate ceremony: ReportsFamily's approval and Nagarjuna's praise
The couple, who have been dating for a few years, have received the blessing of Chay’s family. In fact, Nagarjuna recently praised Sobhita at a movie event, stating, “She was so good (in the film). I mean, I should not say it like this, but she was hot in the film. There is something that’s so attractive about her.” This comment has gone viral on social media as engagement news circulates.
New Chapter after previous relationships
Naga Chaitanya was previously married to actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu. The couple tied the knot in a grand ceremony in Goa in 2017 but parted ways in October 2021. Since then, Chay and Sobhita have kept their relationship relatively private, with rumors about their romance surfacing occasionally. Now, the couple is ready to take the next step, with a wedding planned later in 2024.
Social media anticipation
As the engagement news spreads, fans are eagerly awaiting photos from the event, which are expected to be shared on social media. Nagarjuna is likely to be the first to break the news officially online. This engagement is anticipated to be one of the most talked-about events in Tollywood this year, given the popularity and fan following of both actors.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu's current projects
Meanwhile, Samantha Ruth Prabhu has been busy promoting her series, Citadel, with Varun Dhawan. Despite their separation, both Samantha and Chay have moved forward with their lives and careers, with Samantha focusing on her professional commitments and Chay embarking on a new journey with Sobhita.
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