Lokesh Kanagaraj's upcoming venture, Coolie starring Rajinikanth, is boasting a galaxy of stars. The film has been generating significant buzz even before its official release. While the makers have been tight-lipped about the cast, speculations have run rampant. However, Sun Pictures, the production house behind Coolie, has gradually unveiled the names of the talented actors who will be joining the ensemble including Shruti Haasan, Nagarjuna and Soubin Shahir. The first look of all three actors has been unveiled.
Coolie: Shruti Haasan as Preethi and Soubin Shahir as Dayal in first look of Rajinikanth and Lokesh Kanagaraj entertainerOne of the most exciting revelations was the casting of Soubin Shahir, who made a remarkable impression with his performance in Manjummel Boys. The Malayalam actor will be making his Tamil debut in Coolie, playing the character of Dayal.
#CoolieUpdates begin!
Introducing #SoubinShahir as Dayal, from the world of #Coolie @rajinikanth @Dir_Lokesh @anirudhofficial @anbariv pic.twitter.com/XP3HXOfTvc— Sun Pictures (@sunpictures) August 28, 2024
Another announcement was the collaboration between Rajinikanth and Nagarjuna, two of the most iconic actors in South Indian cinema. Nagarjuna's character poster of Simon, showcasing his suave and charming demeanour, quickly became a viral sensation.
Introducing @iamnagarjuna as Simon, from the world of #Coolie ????????
Wishing the versatile performer King #Nagarjuna a Happy Birthday!????@rajinikanth @Dir_Lokesh @anirudhofficial @anbariv pic.twitter.com/AvI6qmUMnT
— Sun Pictures (@sunpictures) August 29, 2024
The latest addition to the Coolie cast is Shruti Haasan, who will be portraying the role of Preethi. This marks her first collaboration with Rajinikanth.
Introducing @shrutihaasan as Preethi, from the world of #Coolie????@rajinikanth @Dir_Lokesh @anirudhofficial @anbariv @girishganges @philoedit @Dir_Chandhru @PraveenRaja_Off pic.twitter.com/gfIqe39Y1f
— Sun Pictures (@sunpictures) August 30, 2024
Lokesh Kanagaraj is once again collaborating with music director Anirudh Ravichander and cinematographer Girish Gangadharan. Their previous collaborations, including Master and Vikram, have been critically acclaimed and commercially successful. Rumours have been circulating about the potential cameos of Sathyaraj, Upendra, and Aamir Khan.
ALSO READ: Shruti Haasan addresses the rise in sexual crimes against women through her Instagram stories
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