Priyanka Chopra, the Bollywood sensation who made a successful transition to Hollywood, has wrapped up shooting for her upcoming American drama film, The Bluff. After months of hard work, the actress and her team celebrated the film's completion with a wrap party.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Karl Urban celebrate wrap of The BluffPriyanka Chopra Wraps The Bluff
A picture from the celebratory bash has surfaced online, thanks to The Academy Grand Cayman martial arts school. The post featured Priyanka Chopra alongside her co-star, Karl Urban. The caption expressed excitement about being part of the film and anticipation for its release.
"Thank you to the incredible @priyankachopra and the legend himself @karlurban. The experience being part of The Bluff movie has been amazing. Can’t wait for everyone to see this movie #thebluff #priyankachopra #theboys #karlurban," the post read.
Priyanka Chopra Celebrates The Bluff Wrap and It Has Salman Khan Connection!
Adding a touch of Bollywood to the Hollywood wrap, Priyanka Chopra shared a video on her Instagram stories featuring her mother, Madhu Chopra. The duo was seen jamming to the classic Bollywood song ‘Aaja Shaam Hone Aayee’ from the Salman Khan starrer Maine Pyar Kiya.
"My song for when you’re late to the wrap party or maybe not at all. Anyone relates?" Priyanka playfully captioned the video.
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What is Priyanka Chopra Jonas’ Next Hollywood Film The Bluff?
The Bluff is an upcoming American film co-written by Frank E. Flowers and Joe Ballarini, with Flowers also directing. The film boasts a star-studded cast including Priyanka Chopra, Karl Urban, Ismael Cruz Córdova, Safia Oakley-Green, and Vedanten Naidoo. As the wrap party concludes, fans eagerly await the release of this highly anticipated film.
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