Last month, Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal proudly announced the arrival of their daughter in an official statement. The couple, since then, have been sharing glimpses as they are getting used to this new journey of parenthood. The Heeramandi actress took to the social media platform yet again to share a beautifully crafted post that capture her journey post motherhood.
Richa Chadha shares some special moments post her motherhood; says, “I have a new job now”Sharing a set of photos and videos, Richa Chadha has used intriguing captions that describe the changes that this new phase has brought in. The first photo is of herself, explaining the intricacies of motherhood, and under the mirror selfie, she has shared a message saying, “Hey There, I haven’t disappeared. I just have a new job. My boss needs me 24x7, there are no off days”. In the next photo, she opened up about the arrival of guests who visit to see the baby and shared a photo of a casual living room with a coffee table in the centre which holds a lot of snacks and the caption read, “Meet The Baby. Some days are filled with family, food, fun, and feeds”.
In the third photo, the actress posted a glimpse of her furballs aka her cats, and said, “My other babies are still getting used to their new status in the house”. The final photo is a sweet glimpse of a father-daughter moment with the actress posting the caption of the post as, “BRB , with hatchling !” She also added evil eye, heart, and other emojis. Dropping a sweet comment after seeing all these moments was actress and Richa’s Heeramandi co-star Manisha Koirala, who added, “You @alifazal9 are just so perfect for each other n love is flowing with lil princess ?? n 2 fur babies..I was soaking in the positive n cozy vibe of your home ??????. Thank you for yesterday.” The actress along with a few colleagues had also visited the newborn to give her blessings.
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About Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal
The couple met on the sets of the 2013 film Fukrey and have been in a relationship for quite some time. They tied the knot in 2022 in a lavish Indian ceremony and later announced their pregnancy in February 2024. The actors became proud parents to a baby girl on July 16.
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