Renowned filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma, widely known for his iconic contributions to Indian cinema, recently delved into his creative journey and the evolution of his artistic expression. In a candid interview with Galatta Plus, he shed light on his unconventional career pivot, while saying that he has always been true to himself, despite societal constraints that hindered his creativity.
Ram Gopal Varma REACTS to being called “Pervert and Crackpot”: “I realised at one point in my life…”In an interview with Galatta Plus, RGV asserted, “I realised at one point in my life, if you leave three things; your family, God, and social acceptance, you are the most free man in the world. After that, you can do whatever you want to do.”
He continued, “I’m okay if they think I’m a pervert, I’m okay if they think I’m a crackpot.” Addressing criticism surrounding the content of his recent films, which some have labelled as 'soft porn,' Varma defended by saying, “The subject matter required that kind of eroticism. I have no problem with it being called soft porn. My taste regarding this, and how I speak about women, that I’ve always done, even in college, before I entered cinema… I was always that (person), but now I’ve got the opportunity (to express myself).”
Varma candidly revealed that prior to his recent work, he faced numerous constraints that hindered his ability to fully express himself in cinema. However, he is relishing the newfound creative freedom he now enjoys. "They think I've become like that now, and I understand why they may think like that… But I'm having the time of my life right now."
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