Priyanka Chopra Jonas has officially wrapped up the filming of her latest project, The Bluff. Throughout the filming process, Priyanka kept her fans engaged by sharing snippets from the set and moments spent with her family. On August 11, 2024, she took to Instagram to announce the film's wrap, celebrating the occasion with her husband Nick Jonas, and their daughter Malti Marie.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas wraps The Bluff with Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Marie: “This one truly has been a labour of love”A Heartfelt Wrap Celebration
Priyanka's Instagram post was a warm tribute to her journey on The Bluff. The first image in the series was a charming selfie featuring Priyanka, Nick, and Malti Marie, with the mother-daughter duo donning pirate hats. This lighthearted moment was followed by a video of Priyanka shooting her final scene, after which she embraced her crew members. In the background, Nick could be heard encouraging Malti to "give mumma a big hug and say congratulations," adding a personal touch to the wrap celebration.
Memories from The Bluff Set
The post offered more than just family moments; it provided fans with a glimpse into the filming process. Priyanka shared images of souvenirs from the set, including a logbook and a scented candle with her character’s name, ‘Ercell’, engraved on it. The post also included photos of Priyanka posing with the crew, a video of Malti playing with Nick, and a few behind-the-scenes moments, such as a stunt scene featuring Priyanka and a selfie of her in character, complete with fake wounds.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas Reflects on the Journey
In her caption, Priyanka expressed her gratitude for the experience of working on The Bluff. She thanked the cast and crew, highlighting the collaborative effort that made the film possible. Priyanka praised the team at AGBO Films and Amazon MGM Studios, as well as the film’s director, Frankie E. Flowers, for their unwavering faith in the project. She also reflected on the beautiful locations where the film was shot, mentioning her excitement to return home after a long and fulfilling journey.
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Throughout the filming of The Bluff, Nick Jonas and Malti Marie were constant companions for Priyanka, providing her with emotional support and creating cherished memories together.
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