Parineeti Chopra recently opened up about how she maintains a strong connection with her husband, Raghav Chadha, despite the physical distance between them. The couple, who tied the knot on September 24, 2023, in a secretive ceremony, has been the subject of admiration from fans worldwide. Parineeti, currently in London, ensures that her relationship with Raghav, who is in India for work, remains close-knit.
Parineeti Chopra finds unique way to maintain connection with husband Raghav Chadha across miles: “The only way to see him…”Watching Parliament Speeches from Afar
In a heartwarming gesture, Parineeti revealed that she stays connected with Raghav by watching his Parliament speeches live on Sansad TV. Sharing a glimpse of this on her Instagram handle, she posted a video where she is seen happily watching Raghav's speech on her laptop. She captioned the video, "From binge-watching shows to watching his Parliament speeches LIVE on Sansad TV - who knew? The only way to see him from miles away!"
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Exploring London and Staying Spiritual
While in London, Parineeti has been sharing delightful moments from her vacation. From visiting iconic landmarks to enjoying sunny day trips, she has been making the most of her time abroad. Parineeti also took a spiritual detour by visiting the ISKCON temple in London. She shared a video of her visit, expressing gratitude and sharing her spiritual experience. "Praying and chanting with my Indian community here in London, is just what my spiritual soul needed. Away from home, but @jahnavi_harrison brought me right back what a beauty you are! A big thank you to ISKCON for making my visit so special… Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare. Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare."
A Peek into Parineeti's Recent Work
On the professional front, Parineeti was last seen in Imtiaz Ali's Netflix film, Amar Singh Chamkila. Starring alongside Diljit Dosanjh, Parineeti played the role of Amar Singh Chamkila's second wife, Amarjot Kaur. The biographical drama received widespread appreciation, showcasing Parineeti's versatility and earning her critical acclaim.
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