Not too long ago, Bollywood Humgama had reported that Kanika Kapoor is tying the knot with Gautam Hathirmani and the singer had even shared photos from her wedding functions. In her recent post, Kanika has posted pictures from her court wedding with the businessman. The singer took to social media to share photos from the function and looks gorgeous in her all-white outfit.
Kanika Kapoor shares photos from her court wedding with Gautam HathirmaniWhile she did not opt for a gown, Kanika Kapoor looked marvellous in her white pant-suit attire with Gautam Hathirmani’s beige blazer complementing well with the bride’s look. The singer took to Instagram to share a series of photos from her court wedding, from the couple taking vows to them walking out of the court together. Have a look:
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Her previous posts too were from the wedding functions. After sharing photos from her mehendi, Kanika Kapoor shared photos of her wedding reception. She sported a red lehenga choli from the house of Rose Room whereas Gautam looked classy in his bandgala.
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The singer also went on to share glimpses from her wedding ceremony that was held in London. With close friends and family, Kanika Kapoor had private wedding in London. She had also shared a lovely message along with it saying, “Fairy tales can happen to you, just never stop believing in them. Dream because one day those dreams do come true. I found my prince; I found my co-star ???? So grateful to the universe in making us meet. Excited to start our journey together; to grow old with you, to love you and learn with you. But most important to laugh with you. Thank you for making me smile every day. My best friend, my partner and my hero❤️@gautamh ❤️”
Followed by her posting these photos, many of her friends from the industry like Manish Malhotra, Sukriti Kakar, Mika Singh, Tara Sutaria, Ananya Birla among others gave their best wishes to the newlyweds.
Also Read: Nysa Devgn makes a gorgeous appearance in a pink bodycon gown for Kanika Kapoor’s wedding reception
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