Yo Yo Honey Singh, a well-known rapper, recently shared an intriguing account of the creation of the popular song ‘Lungi Dance’ from the 2013 hit film Chennai Express. The immensely successful song was a tribute to the iconic actor Rajinikanth and featured Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone. The rapper mentioned that he had to sit for up to 12 hours wearing makeup.
Honey Singh recalls ‘Lungi Dance’ song set prank; says, “They called me and made me sit for up to 12 hours with makeup”In an interview with Cine Connect, Honey Singh recalled his experience on the sets of the ‘Lungi Dance’ song. He said, “The only funny moment from the Lungi dance set is that they called me and made me sit for up to 12 hours with makeup. It was their plan to make me wait. They were like, ‘This guy is so excited to be part of this shoot, let us make him wait.’ I was sitting for 12 hours, and whoever visited the set, they came to me and greeted me and spoke to me kindly including Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone who was accompanied by Ranveer Singh.”
He added, “I couldn’t understand what was going on because everybody’s behaviour was quite nice, but they were not taking my shot. You won’t believe, they took my shot at the end and after that they said, ‘Pack up.’ So that was the craziest and funniest thing. They were testing my patience.”
Chennai Express starred Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone. The plot followed Shah Rukh Khan, who travels from Mumbai to Rameshwaram and falls in love with Deepika Padukone, the daughter of a local Don. Shah Rukh also had shoulder surgery after suffering an injury on the sets of Chennai Express while filming a fist-fight sequence with Deepika Padukone.
Chennai Express was released in 2013. Deepika reunited with Shah Rukh Khan for the film, although this was her first work with Rohit Shetty. The film became one of the most successful films of 2013. Deepika and Ranveer's first film together, Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela, was also released in the same year. The year also saw Deepika in a couple of other hits in the form of Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani and Race 2.
Also Read : Bhushan Kumar and Yo Yo Honey Singh come together to unveil the new album GLORY
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