Gyaarah Gyaarah is a time-bending thriller that spans across time. The story revolves around a 15-year-old cold case that gets reopened, leading to unexpected twists and turns. Raghav Juyal plays Yug Arya, a police officer who discovers he can communicate with another cop from the 1990s, portrayed by Dhairya Karwa, through a mysterious walkie-talkie. The series, also stars Kritika Kamra, dropped on ZEE5 earlier this month. With its stellar cast, including Gautami Kapoor and Harsh Chhaya, and the backing of producers Karan Johar and Guneet Monga Kapoor, Gyaarah Gyaarah explores the themes of justice, time, and the human condition. In an exclusive conversation, Guneet talks about the show and themes behind it, which is Indian remake of the Korean drama Signal.
EXCLUSIVE: Producer Guneet Monga reveals how K-drama Signal remake Gyaarah Gyaarah was brought to life: “To create a sci-fi and mystery thriller on a large scale…”What was your vision for Gyaarah Gyaarah, and how did you work with the team to bring that vision to life?
To create a sci-fi and mystery thriller on a large scale, there was definitely a lot of conversation about how we could do it for mass India. The writers, both Pooja and Sanjoy, did an incredible job of adapting the series to an Indian milieu, with Umesh Bist running the show. Our vision was to take an otherwise very popular genre, which is the police procedural to mass India. There has been a legacy of police procedurals in Indian television, but for OTT, we wanted to elevate the genre. That’s why we went with a mystical thriller with sci-fi elements in Gyaarah Gyaarah. That’s what really excited us—being able to do something different with a popular genre like the police procedural and mix genres along the way.
How did you balance the complexity of the storyline with the need to keep the audience engaged and invested?
Umesh Bisht really nailed the concepts of time inscribed in the series—what is past, what is present, and what is the future. That was definitely a large part of the conversation, packed with incredible performances. The major challenge was adapting it to the Indian milieu, to our culture. The idea of taking it to the north, to the hills, was to add a mystery element and make the location a character in the series. We considered setting the series in Bhopal, then Rajasthan, then Punjab, but we settled on the hills because they add a whole different element and layer to the storytelling, which is already complex. There were deep discussions on how to depict time—the past, present, and future—and how to land this on a large platform like ZEE5.
How was your experience collaborating with this particular cast and crew – Dharma, ZEE5, Umesh Bist and the actors?
This has been a long-standing partnership with Dharma. We first collaborated eleven years ago for The Lunchbox, where Dharma presented, marketed, and released the film. We went on to do Kill and then Gyaarah Gyaarah. The idea of coming together between Dharma and Sikhya has always been about doing genre-bending work, and even with Gyaarah Gyaarah, there's a genre-bending concept at its core. We're used to seeing many mystery thrillers, but this show really stands out with its sci-fi angle. I'm excited about all the reviews coming in, especially with it being among the top three shows this year on ZEE5. Dhairya, Raghav, and Kritika all nailed their auditions. They were absolutely fabulous, really internalizing their characters and bringing the storyline to life. Kritika, especially, had to portray two timelines with different demeanours, while Dhairya dealt with bureaucracy, and Raghav brought energy and made everything personal with his character. There were defining moments for each of them in every story, and what I love about Gyaarah Gyaarah is how their stories are intertwined as they move from one old case to another.
ALSO READ: EXCLUSIVE: Kritika Kamra on the most challenging aspect of playing a cop in two different eras in Gyaarah Gyaarah: “Maintaining this character arc was demanding”
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