It is a special day for producer-designer Rhea Kapoor and her filmmaker husband Karan Boolani as the couple completed three years of marital bliss. On this special occasion, her proud father and Bollywood star Anil Kapoor penned a sweet note for the couple along with Sonam Kapoor as the duo shared several photos of the couple including some from their wedding on the social media platform. Meanwhile, it seems that Rhea and Karan have taken off to Maldives to celebrate their anniversary.
Anil Kapoor pens heartfelt note for daughter Rhea Kapoor and ‘daamad’ Karan Boolani on their wedding anniversaryAnil Kapoor shares several photos of Rhea Kapoor and Karan Boolani in his post
Along with the photos, Anil Kapoor praised the beautiful relationship that Rhea Kapoor and Karan Boolani share with each other. In his note, he said, “Today and every day, I celebrate the love and union of my daughter Rhea and Karan! You both embody the true meaning of partnership, supporting each other’s passions and making each other shine brighter. I’m so grateful to have Karan as a part of our family - he’s an amazing husband, son-in-law, and friend. Rhea, you deserve all the happiness in the world, and I’m so glad you’ve found it with Karan. Here’s to many more adventures, laughter-filled moments, and a lifetime of love! Happy Anniversary!! ?? @rheakapoor @karanboolani”.
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Sonam Kapoor shares photos on her Instagram
The actress took to her Instagram story to repost unseen photos of her with Anand Ahuja, Rhea Kapoor, and Karan Boolani which was shared by a fan-page of the actress as she wished the couple. Along with that, she also shared another photo of the couple exchanging rings from their wedding ceremony. Many of the Kapoor family members, apart from them also wished the couple on this special day.
Rhea Kapoor shares a post from Maldives
The producer is celebrating her anniversary with her beloved husband in Maldives. Earlier on August 14, she took to her social media handle to share the picturesque blue waters from their resort revealing that they have taken off on a beachy vacay to celebrate their wedding anniversary.
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Meanwhile, Karan too shared several glimpses from the vacay as he wished his ladylove on this special occasion.
For the unversed, on August 14, Karan Boolani and Rhea Kapoor tied the knot in a simple at-home intimate wedding amid family, friends, and close ones. The couple dated for almost a decade before taking the plunge.
Also Read: After Sonam Kapoor Ahuja, Anil Kapoor pens sweet birthday wish for son-in-law Anand Ahuja
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