Earlier this year, it came to light that Adah Sharma had moved into the residence of the late Sushant Singh Rajput. The actor used to reside on the sixth floor of Mont Blanc building in Bandra West, Mumbai in a sea-facing duplex consisting of 4BHK and a terrace. At an event held on August 12 to announce the upcoming films of Vikram Bhatt, Adah spoke about this residence.
Adah Sharma opens up on staying in Sushant Singh Rajput’s flat: “I took that flat on rent. Rs. 378 crores earned by The Kerala Story are not mine”A journalist asked Adah Sharma whether she had bought the flat or would be staying there as a tenant. Adah replied, “I took that flat on rent. Rs. 378 crores earned by The Kerala Story(2023) are not mine! Not just me, even my grandmother contributes to it. She argued that since she also resides there, she'll also pay the rent. My mother doesn't work. Hence, she doesn't contribute. But she cooks great food for us.”
Adah then revealed, “That house belongs to a certain Mr Lalwani. I believe that he's settled in South Africa. Even Sushant used to stay in that house on rent.”
Vikram Bhatt, at this point, added, “And her house has no furniture. She doesn't believe in furniture!” Adah laughed and said, “Even my earlier house didn't have furniture.” Vikram wondered aloud, “I don't know what that means!”
Adah Sharma continued laughing and replied, “It means that I like space. I like dancing and when I dance, I don’t want ki mera haath kahin pe lag jaaye. In Mumbai, we pay for space and if I am staying in such a beautiful house, I’d like ki main uss ghar mein freely ghoomu! And hence, there’s no furniture in my house.”
Adah Sharma would be seen in Vikram Bhatt’s directorial Tumko Meri Kasam. It also stars Anupam Kher, Ishwak Singh and Esha Deol and is one of the four films produced by Ajay Murdia’s Indira Entertainment. Vikram Bhatt has also backed these ventures.
In December 2022, Bollywood Hungama broke the viral news that even 2 ½ years after Sushant Singh Rajput's demise, no one is ready to move in that flat. Rafique Merchant, a real-estate broker and a reputed influencer, told us, “People are scared to move into this flat. When prospective tenants would hear that this is the same apartment where he died, they would not even visit the flat. Nowadays, people are at least visiting the flat as the news of his death has become old. Yet, the deal is not getting finalized.”
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