Indian wrestling sensation Vinesh Phogat recently received a heartwarming gesture from Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan. The actor, known for his unwavering support for athletes, reached out to Phogat after her historic run at the Paris Olympics 2024. Phogat, representing India in the women's 50 kg freestyle wrestling, had captured the nation's attention with her impressive performance. She had secured a place in the semifinals, a feat that had filled the country with pride. However, a setback occurred when she was disqualified from the finals due to weight restrictions.
Aamir Khan praises Vinesh Phogat’s Olympic journey, talks to her on video call, see picsDespite the unfortunate turn of events, Phogat's journey was nothing short of remarkable. Her determination, skill, and resilience had inspired countless fans across the country. Aamir Khan, recognizing her exceptional talent and unwavering spirit, wanted to express his admiration and encouragement.
The actor initiated a video call with Phogat, during which he conveyed his heartfelt congratulations on her outstanding performance at the Olympics. Khan praised Phogat's dedication and hard work, acknowledging the immense effort she had put into her training. He emphasized that her journey was a testament to her character and perseverance.
The video call, which was captured and shared on social media, quickly went viral. For the unversed, Aamir Khan played Phogat’s uncle Mahavir Singh Phogat’s role in Dangal.
Good touch from Aamir Khan. Over a video call, he congratulated Vinesh Phogat for her stupendous fight in Paris. Reminded her that her three fights were proof of her champion mentality. Pics courtesy former wrestler Kripa Shankar (also in the pic), who was mentor for the actors…
— Debayan Sen (ਦੇਬਾਯਨ) (@debayansen) August 31, 2024
Meanwhile, Aamir Khan will next star in Sitaare Zameen Par, set for Christmas 2024 release.
ALSO READ: EXCLUSIVE: Aparshakti Khurana on Aamir Khan’s choice of films, “He keeps trying new topics – from Lagaan to Laal Singh Chadha”
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