5 Excellent

Just a word - EXCELLENT

This above word completely describes this movie. It is based on our culture and I just loved the movie I have already seen it 8 times in the theaters and I am going again this sunday. This is a completely unforgettable movie and is a must watch for all those who respect and love the indian culture and it is vital and a must for them whodoes'nt. In a nutshell it is a requirement to breathe type of a movie. It brought back my faith in arranged marriages and moved to to the bottom of my heart.
As for the performences AMRITA RAO is the best in the film followed by Shahid Kapoor and Alok Nath. AMRITA looks so beautiful and lovely in the movie (without shedding even a piece of cloth) that I think all mallikas and nehas should take a training from her on "How to look good without coming in a bikini".
I will recommend this movie to all of you and whenevr you go take your family with you this movie is best watched with family and friends. It is a complete realisation.
If you think I am lying then read this...

...And If You Are Not Down With That, I've Got Two Words For YA...WATCH IT!!!