Mona Darling Movie
First Ray Films’ Mona Darling, which happens to be a suspense thriller, stars Suzanna Mukherjee and Harsh Naagar. The story starts with the college student Mona (Suzanna Mukherjee), on whom her friend Sameer (Harsh Naagar) makes a MMS and circulates amongst almost everyone in the college. Not the one to...
When Mona and her life get devastated because of all this, it’s her friend Sarah Nair (Divya Menon) who forms her emotional anchor. Suddenly, one fine day, Sameer and his friends are found murdered. Post that, whosoever accepts Mona’s friend request gets murdered. That’s when Sarah seeks the help of Wiki (Anshuman Jha). Amidst all this, even Mona gets murdered.
Do Sarah and wiki be able to solve the mystery behind all the mysterious killings, who is/ are the mastermind behind all the murders and what is the shocking element that Sarah and Wiki stumble upon that could change the entire course of the story is what forms the rest of the film.
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