Love You To Death Movie
Sonia (Yuki Ellias), a wealthy & wooly headed young woman is married to Atul Sinha (Chandan Roy Sanyal), who is driven entirely by money and ambition.
Atul's mother, Sundari (Suhasini Mullay), has a fascination for violent video games and hand sanitizers, while his father, Ravi (Kallol Banerjee), loves poetry, wildlife and...
Chhotu, the young 'house help' dreams of having a chain of massage parlours on the beaches of Goa, while 'Baby', the family dog, suffers from chronic depression and anorexia.
When Atul is offered a chance to expand his defense and security business by Yuri (Leonid Kudryavtsev), a Russian-Israeli arms dealer, he sees the millions pouring in. There are of course wheels within wheels: Atul is fascinated by war yet personally suffers from 'missile failure' and needs the services of a sexologist (Shorab Ardeshir), who is accidentally a 'rock star' in his spare time.
Yuri sells arms but his son Moshe is a 'peacenik' who has come from Gaza to Goa, where the 'grass' is greener.
To close the deal, Atul needs Sonia to invest her money and the land she owns. But Sonia suddenly has other plans.
She has in the meanwhile met John (Nicholas Brown- Kites fame), a bicycle riding, Aloe Vera drinking 'eco-warrior', who manufactures solar panels. When Sonia decides to invest all her money in John's project to manufacture 'molybdenum' solar panels, Atul and his mother become desperate.
Murdering Sonia for her money is the only option.
They make several attempts, one of which is 'outsourced', with some entirely unexpected and comical results.
Finally, Sonia realizes what her husband is up to. It all culminates in a crazy climax of guns and coffins, high art and martinis.
Murder or accident, husband or wife, who will have a happy ending?
LYTD - an outrageous comedy in 'Hinglish', about love that does not exist, therapy that does not work and three murders waiting to happen...
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