Lafzon Mein Pyaar Movie


Lafzon Mein Pyaar revolves around the aspiring musician Raj who is caught in the web of love and duty between Priya and Shivani. Raj (Vivek Mishra) decides to make it on his own away from his father’s (Lalit Parimoo) home and is living with a family acquaintance, Geeta bhabhi (Anita...

On the other, Geeta is dealing with her own trauma after her husband, living abroad, confesses of having an illegitimate daughter and that he has named her as the successo in his properties. A distraught Geeta requests Raj to help her find her husband’s daughter but before he can work on his promise, he relocates to his hometown to care for his ailing father. In the meanwhile, Raj’s father fixes his son’s marriage with Shivani (Vaani Dogra), daughter of his friend, Narendra (Sarwar Mir).

However, after staying away from Priya, Raj realizes that he has fallen for her and even writes poetries in memory of her, where he expresses his feelings for her. But soon, Raj’s love turns into hatred when he finds out that Priya is none other than the missing illegitimate daughter of Geeta Bhabhi’s husband. Will Raj listen to his heart or punish her for hurting his loved ones? Will he agree to marry Shivani in pressure as a promise made to his dying father?

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