Dee Saturday Night Movie
Based on the backdrop of crime, Dee Saturday Night is based on the city life of Mumbai and how the characters become a victim of this world filled with glamour and deceit.
Said to be inspired by the way famous police officer Dhoble terrorized criminals and their illegal activities, Dee Saturday... explores three different stories weaved together. Vikas Dhoble (Arif Zakaria) is a principled policeman who threatens the existence of immoral activities and puts a ban on it. The film also explores shallow relationships where a married man Ashutosh (Gaurav Dixit), an aspiring interior designer uses Shivani (Mahi Khanduri) for making it big in the industry. While Shivani realizes her mistake and walks out of this false relation, yet another girl Viveka (Nazneen Patel) dumps her boyfriend Gautam (Aman Verma) who cheats on her. Shivani finds a savior in underworld don Rohit (Prashant Narayanan) who saves her from the clutches of the rapist (Dinesh Lamba). How these characters overcome their life filled with likes is what forms the rest of the story.
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