Blue Mountain Movie
Som, a hill-town missionary school boy, accidentally got involved with the auditions of a country wide television talent hunt contest. To his own and his parent's surprise he got selected for rounds further up. Som's mother Vani, a celebrity singer of the yesteryears, starts dreaming of materializing her unfulfilled dreams...
Unknowingly Som is pushed into the vortex of "making of a celebrity singer" not only by his own parents but also by his neighborhood and close friends. To build him a complete performer & entertainer, there comes a man of style and glamour... Mr. Mayank Kapoor. Mayank Kapoor is a man who runs his own dancing and styling institute in that small hill town. He is the only hope for Vani and Om, who can turn Som into a big singing star. He takes care of his singing styles as well as his overall performance.
Som reaches his destination, Mumbai - the city of dream to every one for participants in the contest. Som actually has mesmerized everyone with his melodious voice. He qualifies all the rounds successfully and secured his place in top five. Som is now a household name.
But Som's conquest for stardom ends faster than it had begun. He returns to his home town unceremoniously in the darkness of failure and obscurity. Quite predictably, Som becomes a recluse. Once a dreamer of the Blue Mountains, Som sinks in the abyss of frustration and low self-esteem.
Som's parents, close friends, his school teachers, Damodar (milkman) and well wishers take up the Herculean task of retrieving the titanic of Som's morale. Oshin, Som's childhood friend plays a pivotal role in making Som see the true shades of the Blue Mountains. Clutching the lineage of music, Som comes out victorious, returning to the old prototype of the hill town brat, scaling the heights of his blue mountains once again.
This is a story true to all the children (and their parents) who have not made it to the final rounds of any talent hunt contest or any other form of competitive performance - called, life. BLUE MOUNTAINS says the story of Olympics: Participation is important. Not winning.
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