User ratings
Rating analysis
- Excellent32.7%
- Very Good25.9%
- Good9.5%
- Average13.6%
- Poor18.4%
Critics Review
the movie was good enough and it does fullfilled my expections and justified the hype surrounding…
the movie was good enough and it does fullfilled my expections and justified the hype surrounding the movie......it has everything from great music nice humour some emotional scenes a fight sequence.......it is out and out a masaala entertainer..........good direction by raj kumar satoshi.........
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মà§à¦à¦¿à¦Ÿà¦¿ দেখবার আগে বসার জনà§à¦¯ à¦à¦•à¦Ÿà§ নরম…
মà§à¦à¦¿à¦Ÿà¦¿ দেখবার আগে বসার জনà§à¦¯ à¦à¦•à¦Ÿà§ নরম সরম জায়গা ঠিক করলাম। আশে পাশে শকà§à¦¤ কিছৠথাকলে আবার হাসতে হাসতে পরে গেলে হসপিটালে যাবার à¦à§Ÿ আছে। পà§à¦°à¦¾ মà§à¦à¦¿à¦Ÿà¦¿ দেখার পর সব আয়োজন বৃথা গেল। কেউ আমাকে পরà§à¦¯à¦¬à§‡à¦•à§à¦·à¦£ করলে হয়তো বলবেন, “কেন মিথà§à¦¯à¦¾ কথা বলছেন?? আপনি তো মাà¦à§‡ হাসছিলেন।“ আমি বলবো :†আরে আমি বাতাস দিয়ে কাতà§à¦•à§à¦¤à§ খেয়েই তো ঠপরিমাণ হাসি।“ মà§à¦à¦¿à¦Ÿà¦¿ Rajkumar Santoshi ‘র পরিচালনায় দà§à¦¬à¦¿à¦¤à§€à§Ÿ কমেডি মà§à¦à¦¿à¥¤ পà§à¦°à¦¥à¦®à¦Ÿà¦¿à¦° নাম “Andaz Apna Apna†যেটাকে আমি সরà§à¦¬à¦•à¦¾à¦²à§‡à¦° সেরা কমেডি মà§à¦à¦¿ হিসেবে মানি। কিনà§à¦¤à§ তার উতà§à¦¤à¦°à¦¸à§‚রী হিসেবে “Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani†কে à¦à¦•à¦Ÿà¦¾à¦‡ কথা বলবো:†হতাশ করেছেâ€à¥¤ কাহিনী জানা যাক। Prem ( Ranbeer Kapoor) à¦à¦• মহা অকরà§à¦®à¦£à§à¦¯ কিনà§à¦¤à§ à¦à¦¾à¦² মনের à¦à¦•à¦œà¦¨ মানà§à¦·à¥¤ তার জীবনের à¦à¦•à¦®à¦¾à¦¤à§à¦° পরিচয়, যে সে “Happy Club†à¦à¦° President। যাদের কাজ বলতে গেলে পà§à¦°à§‡à¦®à¦¿à¦•-পà§à¦°à§‡à¦®à¦¿à¦•à¦¾à¦° à¦à¦¾à¦²à§‹à¦¬à¦¾à¦¸à¦¾ কে যে কোন মূলà§à¦¯à§‡ সাফলà§à¦¯ দান। কিনà§à¦¤à§ পকেট তো ফাà¦à¦•à¦¾à¥¤ বাবা পà§à¦°à¦¾à§Ÿà¦‡ বাসা থেকে বের করে দেন। à¦à¦•à¦¦à¦¿à¦¨ তার জীবনে à¦à¦² Jennifer (Katrina Kaif)। বসনà§à¦¤à§‡à¦° বাতাসের মতো তার মনে পà§à¦°à§‡à¦® জেগে উঠলো। কিনà§à¦¤à§ à¦à¦•à¦¦à¦¿à¦¨ সে জানতে পারলো যে Jennifer à¦à¦° à¦à¦¾à¦²à¦¬à¦¾à¦¸à¦¾ অনà§à¦¯ কেউ। Prem , Jennifer à¦à¦° পà§à¦°à§‡à¦®à§‡ à¦à¦¤à¦Ÿà¦¾à¦‡ পাগল যে সে তার সরà§à¦¬ সামরà§à¦¥à§à¦¯ দিয়ে Jennifer কে তার à¦à¦¾à¦²à¦¬à¦¾à¦¸à¦¾à¦° নিকট পৌছে দেওয়ার চেষà§à¦Ÿà¦¾à§Ÿ বà§à¦¯à¦¸à§à¦¤ থাকলো à¦à¦¬à¦‚ à¦à¦° à¦à¦¿à¦¤à¦° দিয়েই ঘটলো সকল উদà§à¦à¦Ÿ কাহিনী। মà§à¦à¦¿à¦Ÿà¦¿à¦° পà§à¦°à¦§à¦¾à¦¨ আকরà§à¦·à¦£ হলো Ranbeer – Katrina জà§à¦Ÿà¦¿à¦° রসায়ন। দà§à¦œà¦¨à¦•à§‡ দারà§à¦¨ মানিয়েছে। Ranbeer পà§à¦°à¦®à¦¾à¦£ করেই চলছে যে সে আগামীর Superstar। Katrina আবার পà§à¦°à¦®à¦¾à¦£ করলো যে সে à¦à¦•à¦Ÿà¦¾ Hit Machine। যারা জানেন না তাদেরকে বলে রাখি মà§à¦à¦¿à¦Ÿà¦¿ à¦à¦°à¦‡ মধà§à¦¯à§‡ Super Hit হয়ে গিয়েছে। মà§à¦à¦¿à¦Ÿà¦¿à¦° সংগীত চমৎকার। Atif à¦à¦° “Na Jaane Kiyun …†à¦à¦¬à¦‚ “Tera Hone laga Hoon …†à¦à¦°à¦‡ মধà§à¦¯à§‡ সকলের মà§à¦–ে মà§à¦–ে। Rajkumar Santoshi ‘র আমি অনেক বড় à¦à¦•à§à¦¤ । সে কারণে তার মà§à¦à¦¿à¦¤à§‡ আমার আশা অনেক বেশি থাকে। à¦à¦›à¦¾à§œà¦¾ আমি যে পà§à¦°à¦¿à¦¨à§à¦Ÿà§‡ দেখেছি তা বেশ খারাপ। সেকারণে আশা হয়তো à¦à¦¾à¦² পà§à¦°à¦¿à¦¨à§à¦Ÿà§‡ কিছà§à¦Ÿà¦¾ à¦à¦¾à¦² লাগতে পারে। সব মিলিয়ে মà§à¦à¦¿à¦Ÿà¦¿ খà§à¦¬ à¦à¦¾à¦²à§‹ না।
Read more Lesshatele
Good Movie but I think what AYesha Khan said was right, but the movie was quite gud i mean its my…
Good Movie but I think what AYesha Khan said was right, but the movie was quite gud i mean its my second favourite movie.The main mistake of the director was he put katrina kaif on this movie Problems on Katrina Kaif: 1.She's not acting good only lying on her beauty 2.She really doesn't mathc with Ranbir Kapoor 3.She became more fat.
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A good attempt with some miscasts I thought Katrina wud change over time and will improve but she…
A good attempt with some miscasts I thought Katrina wud change over time and will improve but she proved that she can't change and she is relying on her beauty not acting skills I can say that she is among the 10 most awful actoress of Indian Cinema Ranbir was fine and supported the film. but during his dialogues some times he speaks so fast that cud not able to understand what he is saying.
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It would be exactly two years for Ranbir Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor on November 9, 2009, when they…
It would be exactly two years for Ranbir Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor on November 9, 2009, when they were launched in Saawariya - hated by many, loved by few. But now for Ranbir Kapoor, his fourth movie Ajab Prem ki Gahzab Kahani, is a fun movie, but very silly, remind you of Salman-Aamir starer Andaz Apna Apna. You might just want to go for the movie, for the heck of it and Ranbir Kapoor. He is no different in his acting, he is the same like a Happy Singh in all his other movies and somewhere in the movie he realises there is a life, too. Ranbir needs to get out of his Happy Singh kind of roles and start doing method or character acting, that will be the platform where he will be tested. Surely, he should pass it, as he has charishma. When you watch movie of him, you see his father, his grandfather also in him - that is his style, dialogue, mannerism - he needs to get his individuality the character roles will give him that. On Katrina Kaif, still liked her in Boom (if anybody has seen that) and better still Sarkar, she didnt have much dialogues, all were in English, then. Anyway, this movie she has considerably improved or has the dubbing industry matured. Still feel Wake Up, Sid was better and it has something to do with the co-stars in this case - Konkona Sen Sharma. For this movie, the setting in Goa, Katrina being Cristian was like story was written for her. On the movie, it is a movie revolving around Happy-go-lucky Prem (Ranbir Kapoor) who tries helping people around him, but falls in love with Jenny (Katrina Kaif) and then there is new sub-plots and new characters thrown in to make the movie 3 hours with an interval in between. When you hear the character name like Jenny there are flashes of Forrest Gump running or Amitabh Bachchan talking to himself in front of the mirror in Amar, Akbar, Anthony but not Katrina. Ajab Prem.... Very simply - funny love story, you can watch it with your family. On the choice of locations was brilliant, Ooty, Connor, Goa; even better part to this is, they had taken all the popular junta places, which one could identify with. I for one, could recognize the places, even Istanbul of course through images of what i have seen of that place. On Rajkumar Santoshi, when you see the action sequence he has his typical fight sequence very similar unchanged to Andaz Apna Apna. But suddenly he makes Ranbir Kapoor fly sometimes in the movie, "bhai hero hai, jaisse director bolega, waise karega". So, now he was more influenced by Matrix, even though the Andaz Apna Apna was released way earlier than Matrix.
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raj kumar santoshi reminds he's still a the undisputable king even at comedy and romance his last…
raj kumar santoshi reminds he's still a the undisputable king even at comedy and romance his last comedy andaz apna apna . was a biggie and still a memorable bollywood film . ranbir's classy and sweet acting along with homely katrina has only recreated the magical love story of bollywood that was missing from indian cinemas
Read more LessHaati
Non - Factual Cute Comedy As giving a hillarious flick like "Andaz Apna Apna", it is usually…
Non - Factual Cute Comedy As giving a hillarious flick like "Andaz Apna Apna", it is usually expected that comedy will be in high level if his next film is comedy in genre. Surely this one is better than expectation. As we thought it will be a romantic movie, but it turned out to be a comedy in most having balanced in the romantic act. But it's a sigh that this film consists a dull script and flop plot. But allover master direction, spectacular acting by Ranbir and heart warming music by Pritam came over this obstacle partly. Prem Shankar Sharma(Ranbir), President of Happy Club is a 9th fail goalless lad who hangs over in town with his wacky friends saving life of young girls, helping helpless love suddenly falls in love with neighboring girl Jenny(Katrina). Prem tries to be a good boy following the instructions by Jenny, finally succeeds. He thinks then that maybe Jenny will Propose him which did not happened by him for lack of guts, but Jenny told Prem about his love Rahul(Upen Patel) and requests him to take her to Rahul. Prem does that by placing a Rock in his heart but there come twists which make Jenny to fall in love with Prem and that's a happy ending, folks. Ranbir has done a great job as Prem, like the role was only made for him. Kat has done fair, but the most best thing is that they look very cute together. Being a Master Director, Rajkumar Santoshi's direction is praisable. Some mind blowing tracks like "Tu Jaane Na", "Tera Hone Laga Hoon", "Main Tera Dhadkan Teri" are the addiction of goodness in this film. But the visualisation of the songs are very old-trendy. Everything except plot and script in this film is perfect, but a sensitive movie watcher won't like this type pf Script and Storyline. So here comes deductive mentality in a critic, so it can't be said that the film is perfect, but nothing could'nt have been made better with this script. So, Thumbs Up!! Rating - Acting - 8/10 Script - 4/10 Direction - 7/10 Music - 7/10 Technique - 5/10 Allover - 3/5
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