Book review - F?@K Knows

By Bollywood Hungama News Network -


"In my opinion, ladies and gentlemen, what you have just read is the most inconsistent, contradictory, non-articulate piece of writing that I have ever read."

Book review - F?@K Knows



This is a statement that writer Shailendra Singh makes right after you are through reading the book. Well, he couldn't have been more correct as the book does meander quite a few times, hence turning out to be interesting, very interesting, boring, mundane or profound, as the written words (or your own mood) may be!



Since Shailendra also suggested that the book is 'Read only one chapter at a time', I took it a little too seriously, and hence a long waiting period before I penned the review. With around 75 chapters out there (at an average of 3 pages per chapter), I decided to read one per day!



At the end of it all, I wasn't exhausted. However, I did close the book with mixed emotions. While the flow in the book didn't quite leave me on a high, the inherent messaging that came (at times subtle, many times pretty much in your face) did make an impression.



I have traditionally loved reading what Shailendra Singh, a prominent filmmaker as well (amongst many other interests that he carries), has to say. The man is witty, unabashed, politically incorrect and the best of it all, brutally honest. This is what I expected from 'F?@K Knows' as well. Thankfully, the title went with the theme as well and my interest level grew further.



However, after a while it started getting a tad repetitive. Of course the core thought here is to live life to the fullest and be confident of your own self. With a subject like this, hundreds of self-help books are already on the stands. What is expected to make Shailendra's take on it interesting is the humour element that comes in.



This is what you find as well in this 230 odd page book but then (and that's a big 'but'), it is on and off. No, there isn't anything rip roaring in there that would make you fall off the couch (actually, something like this never really happens, despite the cliché!) but then you do expect a few smiles and occasional chuckle to come along as well. The hopes are only enhanced when the initial pages do drop solid hints of what the man is capable of in his writing.



However, as one starts turning the pages, the wit gets diluted and though there is never a sense of boredom that sets in, there isn't any real excitement that either that makes you long for reading the next chapter on the following day.



Now that's not quite a conducive situation for a book that was slated to promise so much more but then could manage to cover just half the distance. Of course, credit to Shailendra for bringing his original style into his writing as well, which makes an otherwise dull topic like this into a readable affair. However for it to be out and out entertaining enough that makes it a highly engaging single take release, one waits for his next offering to arrive on the stands.



Price: Rs. 195/=



Rating: **1/2

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