4.5 Excellent

What's with all the negative reviews by critics, have they gone off their head! Looks like they were just airing their opinion instead of giving us any information about the movie. They should seriously consider doing some film and media studies before giving such stupid biased reviews.
It's a lovely movie and not a fast paced racy movie with appropriate number of songs and skin show. This actually goes beyond all that and talks about a normal person and the struggles they go through and the compromises they might be forced to make along the way, to become successful. And, it leaves you with a thought....true Aziz Mirza style ... is it really money and success that matters or life is about something else too!!
Just because it required one to think a bit does not make it boring, we are so used to watching films which don't make you think, which are compact and give you non-stop entertainment for 21/2 hours that if anything different comes up, we cannot digest it and start bashing it up. Seriously these critics should be banned!
Agreed that it has flaws, it tends to get a bit slow at times but which movie doesn't have flaws in Bollwyood so can we stop bashing it up and start enjoying this sweet, simple and lovely movie!!