Ammaa Ki Boli Movie


Ammaa Ki Boli revolves around an old-aged husband-less mother Ammaa (Faruk Zafar), her 5 grown-up children's and a second-rate two-seater scooter living in a small town. Ammaa's five grown-up children's, namely Parmu (Govind Namdev), Jeetu (Sitaram Panchal), Rukmi (Sanjay Mishra), Kalavati (Himani Shivpuri) and Hari (Zakir Hussain), are all well-settled...

Soon the scooter met with a strange accident because of the two local boys and so does the exposure of robbing money from Ammaa. A group meeting was then finally called up and the scooter was declared as 'Sarvajanik Scooter' (multi-purpose scooter) where anybody and anyone in the family can use it. However this doesn't go down well with Rukmi and the story takes a complete turn in a sheer hilarious manner, where how it changes from the key of this second-rate scooter to Ammaa's funeral, forms the crux of the story. This film also deals with the importance of relations in present scenario; this is a satire on family relations between a mother and her five children which explained in a form of comedy.

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Official Trailer: Amma Ki Boli | Sanjay Mishra, Hrishita Bhatt

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Ammaa Ki Boli

First Look Of Ammaa Ki Boli
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Ammaa Ki Boli

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Ammaa Ki Boli

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Ammaa Ki Boli

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Ammaa Ki Boli

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Ammaa Ki Boli

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Ammaa Ki Boli

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Ammaa Ki Boli

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Ammaa Ki Boli

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