5 Excellent

Rather than writing a review, I would like to say something to people...This is one of the most inspirational movies I have ever seen. I have been in the US my entire life and have followed Mr. Taran Adarsh's movie review section since I was a young child, but I would like to say something to Mr. Adarsh.

Being a movie critic, you should use this authority wisely and encourage people to watch such inspirational movies as Y.M.I. A 2.5 star rating for this movie will discourage crowds. I believe you are the biggest movie critic for the American-Indian public and you should be the one to help the cause.

Time and time I have seen movies with huge stars are given 4/5 stars, however they lack the 2 main things that every movie should have, a good plot and a great act. I am studying at New York University film school (Tisch) and would like to request Mr. Adarsh to please encourage the public to watch movies that help the common cause.