4.5 Excellent

To start off with, "Rock On!!" did not have much publicity or movie promoting before the movie's official release. However, it really doesn't matter because a movie like "Rock On!!" deserved critical acclaim and will do at least above average due to word of mouth. "Rock On!!" is fantastic!!!

One would have said that the cast of the movie may have been wrongly selected. Well, that is so untrue! From Farhan Akhtar to newcomers like Prachi Desai, every single actor/actress in the film has pitched in a fine performance.

The music of the film had been much criticized before the film's release. However, after watching the movie, you will want to get up and dance to some of the tunes, especially "Sinbad the Sailor".

Overall, the movie deserves to be critically recognized in Indian cinema and a film like "Rock On!!" could be a potential Oscar nominee. Strongly recommended for those that want to see a good movie with a story that is original!!!