4.5 Excellent

The music of Blue is fantastic.The Maestro has given a very good music as per the requirements of the film,the music in action movies is not very good usually but Rahman has done full justice to this album
1-Chiggy Wiggy is an awesome song,its a very good dance number especially the Kylie Minogue part is very good

2-Aaj Dil is a masterpiece,at first hearing you will find this song just ok but after a few listenings it will be impossible to get rid of this track

3-Fiqrana is also a good track

4-Bhoola Tujhe is a very slow number which is more effective on the user in a situation when your brain wants rest

5-Blue Theme shows the geniousness of Rahman.Its a Fantabulous track

6-Rehnuma,the best track in the album.A trademark Rahman song

7-Yaar Mila Tha is fun track and its pretty much ok.